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Refund Policy

In the event that the customer wishes to exchange the piece within a period not exceeding 24 hours from the time of receipt, the customer will bear the shipping costs again, and he must notify him by phone call or messages on social media channels

 In the event that the piece is received with partial or total damage, the piece will be replaced with another similar one without the customer incurring an additional shipping cost - provided that the receipt of the replacement part itself is within 24 hours.

The sold piece can be returned at the moment of its receipt in the event that the customer no longer has a desire to purchase the product, while bearing the agreed shipping costs.

 In the event that the customer returns part of the selected goods, any discounts that he received during the purchase process, for example but not limited to (free delivery - a discount on a piece or the total invoice - a free piece ...) will be cancelled.


{ arabic ? item.title_ar : item.title_en }
{ arabic ? subitem.title_ar : subitem.title_en }